Say hello to your body

I heard this phrase during a guided meditation recently and it caught me off guard.

"Say hello to your body" the facilitator prompted the group.

"Say hello to your breath"

Such a simple and refreshing invitation.

That's what it means to check in with yourself.

In the same way you would greet a friend walking into the room, you can bring your attention to your very own being - your physical presence, your breath, and your thoughts.

I cannot emphasize the power of this practice enough.

When you live in a society where you feel unseen, unheard, unvalued - for any reason - you are at risk for internalizing those beliefs.

Quickly "They don't see me" turns into "why don't they see me?" turns into "I'm not worthy of being seen" turns into "I'm invisible."

The evidence of your value is not reflected Out There. If you seek it there you will be sorely disappointed.

If you want to be seen and heard, you have to see and hear yourself first. And often.

Whatever is going on inside of you, wants your attention. You can ignore that prompting or you can engage, and listen.

There are many reasons why it can be difficult to hold space for yourself. It's not always convenient. Uncomfortable emotions may come up, you may have to pause your regular activities. There may be an outpouring of the very feeling you wanted to avoid.

Even so, returning to yourself is worthwhile. Critical.

Don't let the steam build up.

You can avoid thinking about the pressure, but you will still experience it. And so will everyone else you interact with.

The more you tend to yourself, the easier it will become, eventually it won't be an event at all. Just something that happens regularly. Maybe even something you cherish.

Over time, you will come to recognize yourself from these encounters. Your voice and your perspective will not be a mystery to you.

Your understanding of who you are and what you are on this planet to do will be more familiar to you and more resonant than whatever They Say.

If you're not sure how to be with yourself, that's okay.

Find a moment to be still. Then, say hello to your body. And say hello to your breath.

with love and respect,


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