A Note from The Founder

I'm a coach, a teacher, a performer, and a feminist. I've worked in the entertainment industry, silicon valley, universities, public elementary schools, non-profits, and most recently the military.

When I was gearing up for my biggest facilitation session to date - for a room full of marines - a well meaning supervisor advised me not to take it personally if the audience tuned out while I was speaking. I was told that I should turn the presentation over to my male co-facilitator if it seemed like my points weren’t landing. The phrase, “sometimes it just sounds better coming from a man” was used.

Nope. I didn’t work that hard to be told that sometimes things won’t pan out because I’m a woman. That’s not how I operate, and I don’t think it’s how you operate either.

In that moment I realized I was over the oppressive and misogynistic rhetoric that tells women we need to be more like men in order to do our jobs (or anything else) well. 

So I created The Center for Women’s Voice.


I'm here to help you use your voice in the most authentic, powerful, and effective way possible. I believe that how we use our voices as individuals in our daily lives directly impacts the rights we have and the way we're treated as a community in the world at large. I’m not just talking about the sounds that come out of our mouths (though that's important too), I'm talking about the bigger Voice with a capital V. What we have to say, what we believe, what we stand for and what we don't stand for.

I love working with smart, woke, independent, professional women because you already have something to say and a reason to say it. With a little bit of guidance and space to practice, you will be able to use your voice to move yourself forward in your career.


Malika Amandi is a national speaker and coach based in Massachusetts. In 2017, she founded the Center for Women's Voice (CWV), where she teaches women how to communicate effectively and authentically without apologizing or overanalyzing. Drawing from her own experiences in the entertainment industry and as a professional development facilitator for the military, Malika brings a unique perspective that is both approachable and practical for any woman who wants to be heard.

Through one-on-one coaching, workshops and online content, CWV provides a training space for women to holistically strengthen their communication skills. Malika has led hundreds of coaching sessions, and facilitated workshops for women across a spectrum of career stages and fields - from the entertainment industry, to Silicon valley, the non-profit sector, and academia.


  • BA, Stanford University

  • MFA, University of Southern California School of Dramatic Arts

  • SAG-AFTRA Union

  • Actors Equity Union